Thursday, March 31, 2011

Human Nature and Idea of Restrictions

I read a very nice quote somewhere:
We are not human beings searching for spiritual experience but we are spiritual beings enjoying human experience.

Nice perspective towards life. But what exactly is meant by "spiritual" and "human" experience? Certainly spiritual experience here is considered superior than human experience. If spiritual experience is better than human experience then what makes human experience inferior (?) than the spiritual one? In my opinion, human existence is  nothing but a restricted spiritual existence. An existence which is confined to space-time continuum.

Consider a game of (foot)ball where you are allowed to do anything for scoring a goal. You can hold the ball in your hand, you can run at the speed of light, the opposition team is so weak that they crawl at a speed of 1 meter/hour, you have already bribed the referee to give all results in your favor. In conclusion, you are always bound to win by a big margin. What do you think? What type of game would it  be? Would it be fun, entertaining? Does not seem so.

Now consider a game where all the rules i.e. restrictions of the game of football are in place. You have a strong opposition, your team has its own strong and weak points, you have work really hard to win the game, you have a strategy for the game considering your and opponent's strong and weak points. Don't you think all of us would certainly prefer this game rather than a game where we always win without any opposition.

Now consider your life with you having all the powers possible in this world. You can do whatever you want. There are no challenges to be faced. No targets to be met. There are no expectations from anybody. All your problems are solved automatically by your might. You are only living to enjoy. You have no work to do. How many months/years can you live this kind of life and remain happy and content? I bet you would get bored very soon. Now I can imagine how boring a Superhuman life can be.

Now consider your life where you have your own limitations i.e. restrictions. You have few strong points and few weak points. You always strive to improve upon your weak points. You struggle hard to win and in that process you lose also. You enjoy small things in life. You love your kid for his/her mistakes also. All this sounds very human and interesting, isn't it?

Imagine watching a movie where hero is all powerful. He crushes the villain just by thinking of it. He just enjoys his life and he has no oppositions, no problems. He is a happy-go-lucky chap. Would you like this kind of movie? First of all, is it possible to make such movie at all where there are no problems in hero's life?

I think I have made my point very clear. It is those restrictions imposed on "all powerful" which has created this world. The Superhuman has imposed certain rules and restrictions on himself to create us (Why? Because we have seen how boring life can be without challenges). If there are no rules, there is no world. We are programmed to follow certain rules. It is those spacio-temporal rules, imposition of which could create this world. There are restricting forces acting everywhere. Gravitational force does not allow us to fly, we are always vulnerable to electromagnetic forces etc etc. But they have their own advantages also. We and the whole scientific community is trying to find out these rules and trying to find ways to break them. Life is all about finding our way out of these restrictions. And honestly, in the core of our hearts, we love to live this life (as concluded above, we do not want to live a superman's life either).

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